Zanthia Oliver
Where Excellence Meets Opportunity
Zanthia Oliver

Zanthia Oliver is a native Wilmingtonian and lifelong resident of the City. She is the youngest of nine siblings, all of whom are in the human services field. Public service and giving back is an Oliver family value that was instilled in her as a child.
A graduate of Wilmington’s historic Howard High School, Zanthia also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing from Delaware State University. Through her outreach organization, Zanny Inc., she led mentoring programs for at-risk female students in the Christina School District, Bancroft and the community-based organizations, assisting them with self-esteem, personal development, and encouraging the pursuit of higher education and outdoor activities. Also, She worked for years at Pritchett Associates mentoring young ladies regarding hygiene, professionals and elevating to the next grade for various middle school thought-out New Castle, County.
In addition to mentoring, Zanthia’s other volunteerism includes prior service as a board member for Addictions Coalition, Inc., and current service on the board of NOR Enterprises, Inc. She is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In addition to mentoring, Zanthia other volunteerism includes, her brother Norman Oliver Turkey Drive for 40 years delivering turkey’s throughout the State to Seniors. She has always been an organizer and advocate for seniors in her community. Her work with the Addition Coalition, Inc. which was a reentry program. The Addition Coalition Inc., had high job placement numbers of men that had reentered society following their incarceration because of Ms. Oliver’s outreach and resources . Also, they assisted with referring men into group homes such as the Oxford Houses. Currently, She has help form a group called “We Are The Mother’s” a group of mothers that have all lost their children to Gun Violence epidemic. They are now receiving grieving counseling, support groups, therapy, fellowshipping and church gathering.
In her role as an Employment Coordinator servicing New Castle County for Brothers & Associates, Zanthia assists under and unemployed individuals with job placement and career development.
As an elected official, she is committed to utilizing her platform as a public servant to advocate for issues of quality education, workforce development and jobs for underserved populations, as well as services for seniors and our youth.
• Public Works and Transportation Committee (Chair)
• Education, Youth & Family Services Committee
Standing Committees of Council
• Finance & Economic Development Committee
• Health, Aging & Disabilities Committee
• Intergovernmental Committee

Zanthia Oliver
Contact Councilwoman Zanthia Oliver
Phone: 302-377-3967
Email: zoliver933@comcast.net